
we have no past we won't reach back
2010-02-26, 8:54 p.m.

Jeez, almost two weeks since I updated last. Unfortunately, I haven't been up to much more than I was the last time I updated. I have to go in for surgery on Monday to rid my arm of a cyst. Well, a few cysts really. I've already had one cut and drained which hurt like the Almight Fuck. Still does when I have to clean it and stick the bloody gauze in. Ew. My mum has been helping me change the bandages this week, but she and my dad have moved into their new house today so my sister has to do it. Not gonna happen 'cause she faints at the sight of blood.

My sister has gotten Foxtel (satellite television) taken off. I shudder to think of the boredom in our future when it comes to television. We have to buy a set-top box because apparently free to air channels are getting taken off the free air. I refuse to help my sister pay for Foxtel, though. It's the biggest waste of money besides gambling. Oh, and smoking. I still remember years ago when my parents first got Foxtel they paid for it because it was ad-free. You would never know it these days because if they're not advertising their own shows they advertise the other channels fucking shows and then there's the ads we get on the free-to-air which isn't as bothersome because at least on free-to-air we're not paying to fucking watch them! God, it makes me irritated just ranting in here about it.

I'm actually quite nervous about the surgery on Monday. Do you call it a surgery or just a procedure? I never know anymore. I just call it a surgery because it sounds more dramatic. Anway I'm worried about going under the general anasthetic (yes I know that's probably spelt wrong). I've been under general before because I'm prone to these fucking cysts so I've had others out before but lately I've been thinking a lot about death and wonder if maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing and I'm worried that the fates have heard me and something will go wrong. Just to teach me a lesson. I hope not. I'm not allowed to smoke 6 hours before hand which will be just great.

I've also been reading Pet Sematary which has been making me paranoid. Doesn't stop me wanting to watch the movie tonight, though. I will tell you one good thing about these cysts - I at least have Monday off work. I might have to have a couple of days off afterwards too. Never mind that I'll probably be in intense pain, it's still better than having to listen to whiny little pukes complaining that their houses have cracks in them. The sound of the phone ringing at work is enough to drive me to madness. I mean, I would rather be in surgery than at work so what does that tell you about the state of my mind?

My aunty died today. She was at a good age and she died in her sleep so that was good, as far as these things go. It feels like they are all starting to drop off. First my grandmother, then my aunty who was quite close to my grandmother. The funeral is on Monday and I wish I could go, but I will be under the knife as previously advised. I feel sorry for my pop 'cause she was his sister and they were pretty close. She got altzheimers (yes, spelt wrong again) a few years ago so she didn't really know who he was, I don't think. Hopefully wherever she is she's taken her memories with her.

Oh well, maybe since the parentals have moved on I will be able to gain access to the computer more than once a fortnight and be able to update more often. I know gang, breathe a sigh of relief.

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