
thank god it's friday
2010-01-22, 7:18 p.m.

I am not a fan of High School Musical, and I can't quite understand the people my age, who are.


I can't believe it, ABC1 aren't going to play Doctor Who: The End of Time until February 14! I've got to wait 3 weeks to see John Simm as The Master again, what a gyp. I guess I will have to consol myself by watching The Sound of Drums and The Last of the Time Lords to get my fix.

I wonder what my life would have been like if I had never started smoking? Would I be happier? Not exhausted everyday? Although I suppose that's all due to having to get up at 5:30 am everyday. I know I sure as shit would be able to breathe. I've been wheazing a lot lately. I've got 3 smokes left and I think I should try to quit over the weekend. At least then I don't have all the habits at work making me restless. Of course, then I've got to go back to work on Monday. I want to quit, goddamnit! I hate that smoking has this hold over me. I get pretty anxious when I don't have any left.

I got into a bad mood this afternoon when I got home. My sister told me that we don't have to pay the rent this week, but then we have to pay it smack bang on February 2, so what's the point in having this week off? Then my sister keeps bugging me about "what I've decided to do". She keeps bugging me about everything, really: what trips I want to do in Queensland (for god's sake, we're not going for 2 months!), what I've decided to do with the money we're getting from our rent and whether I want to put half of it on the trip, etc etc, blah blah. I hate getting nagged when I get home.

It's going to get ever more interesting when our parents move in with us next week. They're staying with us until they can move into their new home at the end of February. I haven't lived with my parents since 2003, and my sister hasn't lived with them since about 1997 or something, so this should definitely be interesting, if nothing else. We have to clean the house from top to bottom tomorrow so the parentals don't bug us. Their our landlords so really, every day is an inspection and we always fail according to them so what's the big deal?

I saw this while looking through the Blair Witch Diary website:

How creepy is that? I've never even seen it before. I was so disappointed when I found out everything about the Blair Witch was faked. I was totally pulled in until I saw it with a friend in 2000 or something, and she told me it was all bullshit. It was like finding out Santa doesn't exist and it's just your parents. I love creepy stories and I wish more of them were real and not just hoaxes. I wanted so much to see Paranormal Activity but dear sister was too much of a pussy. I don't have any friends, so I couldn't drag anyone else to come with me. Going to the movies by oneself is just pathetic and sad, so I didn't bother.

Thank god it is Friday, but considering all we're doing tomorrow is cleaning the house it's not exactly a fucking trip to the bahamas.

Peace out. I just wrote peach out :)

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