
twenty four hours
2010-01-19, 8:20 p.m.

Well, I was having a shitty day until I got home (always a good end to the day, really) and my sister advised me we are each receiving $1,000.00 from our parents! Probably 'cause they love us so very much and can't stand to see one of their daughters on the dole, and their other daughter (the one they're supposedly proud of) earning a pathetic wage each week to push around paper and get screamed at by people ... but I digress. No, apparently it's because my sister and I have paid over $5,000.00 on the home loan with our rent, so now we get it back! This is very, very good timing considering my sister, nephew and I are going to Queensland in April and ohmygoshimsofreakinexcited. I think I'm more excited about getting away from work again so soon after Christmas, than I am about the actual trip. I was seriously considering just taking the time off anyway and staying home for the week by myself, but my sister was kinda pushing me to go with her so she wouldn't be the only adult.

Anyhoo, every shitty day takes us closer to Queensland. And Baskin Robbins. Oh my gosh, their sundaes are like going to heaven.

I'm surprised, I actually got to do something different today at work which was ... well, different. Nothing great, I had to ring up a whole bunch of customers to tell them that when, last Friday we told them they would be contacted on the following Monday to schedule in repairs, we were actually pranking them and now we are going to call them ... by Thursday, if we can be arsed. Surprisingly, very few of them had a go at me which was nice. There must have been Valium in the water of Melbourne. One old bird even told me she didn't give a stuff, she just asked because her insurance company had called her.

I watched Control the other night, the movie about Joy Division, so now I want to buy their CDs. I sorta got into them after hearing Love Will Tear Us Apart in Donnie Darko and I had no idea they originally sang Dead Souls! So now, I have to hear their CDs.

Fuck, I want to kill those kids outside! All they every do is scream and yell. It pierces my brain. I'm not a fan of kids, obviously.

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